How's this?

The trauma was not your fault.

The way you responded to the trauma was not your fault.

You do not have to feel guilty or responsible for how you responded to danger.

Your body tried to keep you safe.

Your brain tried to keep you safe.

They continue to act on your behalf by scanning for threat. That's a built in, old school adaptive response. Sure, we can work on how we react to stress- but your primal reaction is primal. You don't need to feel ashamed that- you didn't leg it, or you didn't punch them, or you didn't talk your way out, or whatever you think you should have done.

• You automatic nervous system is not controlled by your thoughts. You can't think yourself safe. You can't think yourself healed. You have to feel safe. Safety is how we heal. Safety is how we tend to the wired reaction.

• Our body will try to create the foetal position under stress. That's why our shoulders end up so high and our head down low. This can cause chronic pain.

• Hypersensitivity to sound is the middle ear scanning for low frequency sounds of threat. This effects our ability to hear higher vibratory pitch like talking- we are scanning for danger.

• We read other people's faces for safety. Your just doing it. This is why being around people who are safe will help us heal. It's co-regulation. (Social engagement system).

This interestingly links into the psychic/empath 'seer' skills that so many people have. How much of it is a result of Trauma?

These are a few of the things I'm reading about that have been liberating for me on a personal level. You know- I've been that person in the therapy chair- all hazy and spaced out, being asked a shit load of questions that I can't answer (because I am shut down). I'm not making eye contact, I've read there face, I'm being evaluated and I do not feel safe.

Therapy should not be like that. We need to feel safe. I'm really passionate about it. In a private session, I won't use my bowl if I can tell someone is activated (fight/flight)- it's harmful because sound is powerful. That's one example, but it's part of trauma informed care.

This photo was taken after a morning of TRE, feeling my body discharge, feeling sensation and pulsation in my face, feeling my pelvis rock, getting my nervous system back online. This is embodied healing. This is what lights me up, this is what helps me go up and travel into the stars. I have so much to learn and I want to share it with you, I want you to feel safe.


The physiology of trauma
