Get confident with delivering dynamic healing.

I believe all energy workers should feel the very best at what they do and these abstraction techniques really get powerful results. Whether you are already working as an energy healer, alternative therapy practitioner, therapist or reiki practitioner, these courses will strengthen and expand on what you already offer.


This course covers the foundation to energy work and Reiki in its most original way. You will receive a work book containing the origins of the Tera-mai/Seichem story from both Kathleen Milner and Patrick Ziegler viewpoint. Discussing both of their insights and how connected they are.

It covers the chakra system including the 5d chakras. Explaining the layers of the Aura, the endocrine glands & system and how the energy centres of the human physiology connects.

Including connecting to the language of the body, protection techniques, self-healing tools, hand positions and an optional initiation.

To purchase please click below. you will receive your freshers foundation course pdf.

Personal investment is £45.00





This is an advanced level one into Tera-mai and Sekhem. This course explores how to abstract, remove, and manipulate energy away from the human body as well as fill in the voids and channel using the five elements. It is open to Reiki healers (level 1 and beyond), energy workers and those with a sound understanding of holding space.


Chakra clearing, parasite & webbing removal, Gods telephone number, working with Thoth, time-line clearing, pendulum work, entity removal,   space clearing,  prayers & protection, psychic surgery, mental/emotional healing, initiation into Tera-mai and Sekhem, initiation into The Priest & Priestess of the Melchizedeck and an initiation into the healing power of the violet flame.


This course is delivered in group workshops, 1-2-1 in person or online. Length of course in person will depend on the number of people but around 2-3 days. Online participants will have 3 x 1-2-1 initiation & tutoring sessions lasting 90-120 mins and receive a comprehensive pdf that outlines each of the initiations, tools to work and already prepared teaching videos to support you on your journey.

These teaching sessions are to be arranged at mutually convenient time. After completion of this Level one course and subsequent 21 days healing you will be able to utilise all the techniques and skills immediately in your healings, in person and remotely. This course will cement your prior foundation knowledge in Reiki and energy healing and take it to a new level so you can feel more confident in holding space and getting transformational results for your clients 

You will receive a certificate and be able to sign up for level 2 Tera-mai and sekhem after demonstrating some experience. I ask for 6 months between Level 1 and level 2 so the energy can integrate and settle.

*Please note as a prerequisite to this course you must of purchased the freshers foundation course pdf, or be a Reiki level I/2 or 3 practitioner.

Investment £600





This course is for those who are already working with energy as a healing modality and have completed, with a sound understanding the level one course on abstraction & Alignment.


30 symbols including the Golden Symbols, Cutting ties, Removing, Implants, Horus/Sekhmet healing, Distant healing, Pendulum work, Psychic surgery, Initiations into Tera-mai & Sekhem level 2 & an Initiation into YOD which connects you to the Rainbow bridge accelerating your intuitive receptivity.


This course is delivered in group workshops, either in person over two full days or alternatively 2x 1-2-1 lasting 90-120 mins online. These teaching sessions are to be arranged at mutually convenient time. You will receive a pdf workbook, two initiations and time spent with me to go over the course in greater depth. Each session will include an initiation into level 2 Tera-mai and Sekhem as well as an initiation into YOD (which accelerates the receptivity of the healer).

Both these sessions last approximately two hours. After completion of this level and the subsequent 21 days healing you will be able to utilise the vast symbol network and programme healings, magic and distance healing at a significantly more powerful frequency. It accentuates and deepens the advanced level one course and equips you with an array of new healing techniques such as cord cutting and symbol encrypting for pendulum work and implant removal.You will receive a certificate after completion.

Investment £600 per person.

*Please note as a prerequisite to this course you must of completed the Abstraction & Alignment level one, Tera-mai & Sekhem course.

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