I run a monthly circle for people who wish to connect with others on a similar path. Each circle is unique and often different people attend. Circles explore different spiritual themes, Gods/Goddesses, rituals and spiritual initiations.

Samhain Full moon online Journey

Samhain Full moon online Journey

Take a journey to the underworld with me on this October full moon. We will be working with Nephthys, Anubis and Thoth amongst others. This is a guided mediation with healing and with the use of the magical Egyptian Cartouche Cards. After booking I will email you the zoom link and extra info you might need.

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Anubis is the Egyptian God of the dead. Son of Nephthys who longed for a child, but Her husband Set was God of the barren wasteland of the desert, and so was incapable of having children. Nephthys fell in love with Osiris, (her sister Isis husband) and when Osiris was drunk she tricked Him into believing She was Isis and slept with Him. The result of the union was Anubis, but by the time He was born She regretted Her decision. Fearful of Her husband’s anger, abandoned the baby in the desert. For the first few years of His life, He was raised by wild dogs, which is where He gets His feral power. Eventually He was discovered by Isis. Even though Isis knew He was the son of Her husband by Her sister, She raised Him as Her own. Anubis is often shown by Isis’s side, in full-jackal form. Because He was abandoned by His mother, He is the protector of orphans, the homeless, the poor, travellers, and all lost souls or people who are downtrodden.

 Anubis is a liminal God, Who lives on the edge between night and day, between this world and the next. He is a psychopomp, a God Who guides the souls of the dead to the Hall of Judgment. He was given the blessing to travel through any land, time or space. So he makes the perfect ally for psychic work and underworld journeys. So important was this protection that the tombs of the Pharaohs were sealed with an image of Anubis. 

 Anubis, will be our guide as we connect to our ancestors and take part in old hallows mass. Anubis is a Messenger, who will help us to carry messages to our dearly departed. Anubis opens the veil, just a little, to assist the living diviner or medium to see the future or speak with the dead.

Join me and Anubis for a full moon Underworld rite as we offer to the liminal and make witch balls to commemorate.

Held at Bells Yew Green Village Hall, Frant near Tunbridge Wells.

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Isis was the Egyptian Goddess of Magic. She was originally associated with the throne of Egypt, which contained magical power because it could turn a prince into a king.
She was the sister and wife of Osiris, and after his death, she became the protector of the dead. In her love and devotion to Osiris, Isis became a symbol of the
loving wife while after his death she became a symbol of the Mother in her protection and her devotion to her son, Horus.

The wings of Isis symbolise a falcons or kites, which are birds of prey that have cries "reminiscent of the cries of distraught women". In this way, the wings represent both power and mourning. They also represent the resurrective power of Isis, who fans her wings to give breath back to her dead husband, Osiris. The wings also symbolize safety because they are depicted as outspread, which is a protective gesture in Egypt. In this way, the wings of Isis reveal her magical ability, her grief, and her protection of the dead.

Her headdress is the Egyptian hieroglyph for the throne, which is also the hieroglyph for her name As a hieroglyph for the throne, it represents her magical powers because the throne was believed to possess magical power. In addition to this, the throne represents "the primal order of the beginning" because "in its shapes lies the original mound," which "first emerged from the waters as habitable land". The throne is associated with the lap of Isis and due to this the headdress reinforces the belief that the power of the king is dependent upon her. The headdress is often depicted as blue, which symbolizes the heavens and the primeval flood (and due to this, life and rebirth) in Egyptian Art. In this way, the headdress symbolizes the ability of Isis to give life to a king through the power of the throne. The fact that Isis' skin is sometimes depicted as blue in these images reinforces the belief in her powers over life and death, and her importance to all people.

Join me for an evening where we will initiate you into the arms of Goddess Isis, cementing her as your patron and path working. We will be coming home to the body, releasing with courage, anointing with sacred oils and participating in rich and meaningful rituals.

This initiation is part of Blue moon Isis initiations- there are many initiations that assist us to being closer to Isis, and I believe partly this is a calling and partly self initation too. All are welcome- Isis is an energy that supports us in our Grief, in our lost parts, in our shadow, in our self forgiveness and forgiveness of others, but also in adopting more nurture, love, compassion, support and mothering and absolute non judgement for our tears.

Please come and join me for this special evening.

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CORD CUTTING: Release, reflect and reclaim.

CORD CUTTING: Release, reflect and reclaim.

Connecting with the spider and Goddess Hekate where we will be taking part in a cord cutting ritual and a ceremony to release, reflect and reclaim.

Goddess Hekate is the goddess of magic and witchcraft, and so much more. Her functions extended beyond the realms of the heavens, earth, the seas, and the underworld. She is often depicted as a triple-formed deity symbolizing the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Her primary symbols include torches, keys, and dogs, reflecting her roles as a guide through darkness, a controller of boundaries, and a protector against evil. The worship of Hecate involved household offerings, and rituals at crossroads.

We will be taking part in elemental clearings and creagting our own cord cages.

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Lets bring the light at Imbolc, raising the internal fires and grounding into the Earth.

Melchizedeck is a sixth dimensional and collective consciousness that serves as a caretaker of the initiate realms and teachings for beings in this solar system, not only specifically Earth currently. Priest and Priestesses of the order of Melchizedeck were known to have run mystery school in Atlantis and Ancient Egypt. The initiation into this order itself connects one to the divine plan for Earth and to the Ancient ones. It allows healing energy to run smoother through the healer, in part because this initiation effects the nerves directly. It helps to ground healing energy and the healings and give a foundation for all the work the healer does.

Join me for an evening of ritual and priestess initiations.

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Goddess Maat is connected to the cosmic order and truth. Her symbol was a feather which was also part of her headdress. The ancient Egyptians stove to ‘live in Maat’ which meant to ‘live in truth’.

In Ancient Egypt the heart of a deceased person was weighed on thew scales of Anubis in the Hall of the two truths called the Underworld. In the other pan of the scales rested a feather of Maat. If the heart was true, then the deceased continued on to the land of the west, Amenti, if it failed the test then the monsters of the underworld would devour it. It is believed that our ability to speak our truth is expressed from the throat chakra and a balanced one helps us communicate our will.

Autumn Equinox is a time of balance and we will gather together to work with Maat, stimulating the throat chakra, calling in balance, connecting to the temple of our souls and activating the Priestess within.

This Circle is open to curious hearted women who are on the spiritual path.

Held at Bells YeW Green Village Hall in Frant near Tunbridge Wells.

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You energe from a desert landscape and find yourself between two immense pillars. Before you is a lake of silvery water. You can make out the mound of Silbury Hill, a primal mound of creation.

Join me for a full moon online guided meditation and healing where we will connect with The Twins: Shu & Tefnut (the beings of moisture & Air).

Think psychic healing, energy removal, Egyptian Cartouche healing and a whole lot more.

19th August 8pm-9pm zoom land. £12


#tefnut #shu #thetwins #onlinehealing

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Aphrodite, Isis, Bast, Hathor, & Mary are extrodinary Goddeses that serve to act as a mirror to enhance our own belief that we are worthy of love and self belief. We will be working with the Goddess to connect to oyr bodies, our hearts, our wombs and each other in a supportive and enetgetically upgrading way.

Join this July circle to celebrate and take part in a ritual to honour the Goddess within and call her in to help with self love and self worth.

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Lets take a journey together , through the body, clearing the old and making way for the new. Using psychic clearing, visual story telling, The Egyptian cartouche, Sekhem, Reiki, sacred oils, prayer and water vibration we will retore the inner and outer body.

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Lets take a journey together , through the body, clearing the old and making way for the new. Using psychic clearing, visual story telling, The Egyptian cartouche, Sekhem, Reiki, sacred oils, prayer and water vibration we will retore the inner and outer body.

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Quan Yin goes by different names in different places, including Avalokiteshvara in India, Tara (female) or Chenrezig (male) in Tibet, and Kannon in Japan.

Quan Yin is often depited as a female Goddess but they are also a Trans icon. Transcending gender identity, Quan Yin appears in whatever form is necessary to help people in need: sometimes female, sometimes male, sometimes androgynous. Quan Yin is most represented as an energy which offers Goddess and compassion, an ascended master who has chosen to work for humanity by staying on this plane.

This circle will delve into all levels of compassion, working on ways to meet parts of ourselves with more compassion and love. We will be working with their energies as we meditate and journey to meet them.

They are often said to be the keeper of the violet flame, so we will be using the invocation to transmute and clear old energies and bring in new ones 1000 fold.

This circle includes working with energy, group work, ritual and lots of fun!

We will be making aura sprays and taking VIOLET FLOWER remedies made by Charlotte Pulver apothacary.

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We will walk in Hathor’s temple, step into the mirror, access the frequencies of all love, and seek hidden parts. This circle includes mirror work, equinox rites and ritual.

Mirror magic, self massage and Gua sha to nourish and aid self love and healing with the Goddess of beauty and patron of women.

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A journey with Isis; Goddess of love and magical healing.

This group circle will be about receiving deep heart medicine, healing our shadow side, and you will each receive an empowerment with Isis, Goddess of love and magical healing.

Isis is an Egyptian Archetype and is symbolic of the Divine Mother, she is a symbol of life and is associated with resurrection and rebirth. Her power is drawn from the heart, if you find yourself being drawn to the energies of Isis like I am, you are likely to have discovered that the most powerful force of the universe is love. You have likely also been an initiate or student of hers in a past life. She can help us acknowledge and heal our shadow side and arise with a lighter heart and a deeper love for ourselves and others.

The group circle will provide a container for healing, empowerments and opportunity for deep release. We will journey through spoken word, guided meditation, light language, prayer to connect embody the energies of Goddess Isis. We will invoke heart healing and perform a water and flame ritual.

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All Hallows tide (which means Holy Season) is made up of 3 days: All Hallows eve (Halloween) where the after life veil thins, a night of light. All hallows/Hallow Mass /Saints Day (Saint celebration & Martyrs) & All Souls Day (Samhain) Celtic festival, the Witches New Year.

This group circle is held on the cusp of Eve of Hallows tide and in that liminal space. Personally the veil begins to thin from the beginning of October and builds and tails off mid November.

It marks a period of time where we can celebrate the dead, honour our ancestors and contact the other world.
It is a time that feels deeply entwined with honouring The Witch Father & Witch Mother. The circle of life and death and our place within it.

I invite you to share the love you have for this time of year by participate in a ritual to connect and honour the departed and experience healing in circle.

Would you like to join me for an evening of magic, ritual and healing?

Within our sacred circle we shall invite our dearly departed and ancestors to sit with us. We will connect, honour and toast to them.

We shall journey as a collective to clear, abstract and transmute any low vibrations within us and the energies of the planet.

In this group healing I shall invite for you to participate and gather ingredients and tools necessary for the ritual as well as verbal collaboration.

Our time together will be an intimate one, with limited spaces, providing an atmosphere of potent magic at my home.

I am looking forward to seeing you!

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BabaYaga & the wishing well: Fullmoon Circle

BabaYaga & the wishing well: Fullmoon Circle

This is the perfect time to be connecting with the Mother nature in the form of Baba Yaga. Most stories of her are tales of fear and trickery- though she can take this form- she does also offer us a way of seeing ourselves as a hero too? How do we illuminate the dark? What parts of ourselves are we ready to offer up to move on? What is waiting to die in order for us to live? In The Egyptian Cartouche The Buckle of Isis talks about growth with a sacrifice. What do you wish to create but feel unable to find the space to do so? Can you see the dark as a valuable and necessary part of healing, and of you?

Baba Yaga is nature, wild and untamed, light and dark, but she can also be kind.

She can sprinkle Water of Death, or the Water of Life, and you shall be reborn.

Grandma death is the Goddess of old Bones, destroyer and resurrecter. She collects our white bones and pours the Water of Life and Death upon them, singing her magic songs and we are reborn.

Whenever we experience darkness, a depression, or a spiritual emptiness when we feel that we surely must be dead, we have come to visit our Bone Mother. If we are wise, it is she, especially if we behold our own most dark shadow, who transforms us and gives us new life.

Come, let us visit Baba Yaga's in the deepest, darkest depth of the forest- and in the midst of a clearing, deep in a tangled wood, see a small fire burn.

What will you offer into the wishing well and what gift will you receive?

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Lady Nada, a supermoon self-care circle.

Lady Nada, a supermoon self-care circle.

This year there are two full moons in August, and the blue supermoon falls on the 29th August. It is called the blue and is during mercury retrograde. This circle is about harnessing the energies to connect to lady nada, the magenta ray, and the currency of the violet flame, the ray of truth that’s spectrum includes the many vibrations and incarnations of transmutation.

Lady nada offers us the softness and self love that often we shy away from, but also help us to be more deeply in service to the light. The blue moon offers us the opportunity to clear away any regret. Regret to our actions, how we can make amends and to act from emotional alignment.

This circle will be about upgrading our energy so we can be more grounded, centred and supported as individuals and as a collective.

We will be working with light unity and a symbol connected to the heart and higher consciousness.

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Celebrate Lammas (loaf mass) with me in circle where we will be making our own charm bags, and hedge crossing. Traditionally charm bags were used as ways to imbued power. Making them powerful recipes full of intention and cunning magic. You can decide if you will be making a charm-bag for luck, protection, love, healing or intuition. Working as a group we will craft our amulets so they can bring us good fortune, peace or manifestation of our intentions. These can then be placed on your altar, worn around your neck or carried on your person. We will also be taking a journey through the hedge to the world tree at this festival of mid summer, releasing, sharing and connecting.

Come and celebrate the Celtic Sun king Lugh, Goddess, take stock of all the year, what you have achieved as we set sail from the fire of the summer towards the watery west.

Now is the time when the harvest starts again,

so sing and dance until night ends,

praising the powers on whom we depend.

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13th Rite Womb blessing & Mother Mary Circle

13th Rite Womb blessing & Mother Mary Circle

You can call upon me at any time, for I simultaneously serve a multitude of Hearts on Earth. My omnipresent awareness allows everyone to access my unconditional divine love and guidance at any one time.” Mother Mary. The Aquarian age is the age of the Mother and the Holy Spirit. It is the age when we are meant to experience and express the Mother aspect of God. Coming to understand this feminine aspect of God can liberate the creative feminine energy within us, both man and woman—the energy of beauty and creativity, intuition and inspiration. This initiation will reawaken and reconnect you with Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael and the 5th Ray of truth.

There is a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. This lineage of women wants us to remember: The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.

The 13th Rite is a womb blessing and initation which clears energetic obstacles and emotional energy out of the womb space and assists in reclaiming yourself as the creator of your life.

We will be creating spell jars, working with the rose, clearing energy and calling hopes, wishes and dreams

1st July 7-9:30pm

A special circle.

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Melchizedek is a timelessness vibration, cosmic priest, custodian of different dimensions and an Earth healing frequency. Why would one want to connect to this particular vibration? Well they are deeply grounding, the help stabilise the individual and the collective. Working in groups we will be performing a sacred initiation to bring this energy in, through and down to the Earth through us. We will be working with the cosmic yew tree who has ties to all kingdoms- from the high celestial temples to the lower earthly planes. You can be initiatied into the order many many times, each one brings further enrichment and downloaded stability. Join me for a special priestess circle.

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Thoth is a time lord, recognised as a patron to all healers. He assists with clearing debt, karma and time-lines. At this circle we will be gathering with the intention to cut cords and reclaim all our parts. This circle will include psychic games, ritual and group cord-cutting- and an opportunity to travel to the akashic temple to retrieve our soul name.

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Quan Yin goes by different names in different places, including Avalokiteshvara in India, Tara (female) or Chenrezig (male) in Tibet, and Kannon in Japan.

Quan Yin is often depited as a female Goddess but they are also a Trans icon. Transcending gender identity, Quan Yin appears in whatever form is necessary to help people in need: sometimes female, sometimes male, sometimes androgynous. Quan Yin is most represented as an energy which offers Goddess and compassion, an ascended master who has chosen to work for humanity by staying on this plane.

This circle will delve into all levels of compassion, working on ways to meet parts of ourselves with more compassion and love. We will be working with their energies as we meditate and journey to meet them.

They are often said to be the keeper of the violet flame, so we will be using the invocation to transmute and clear old energies and bring in new ones 1000 fold.

This circle includes working with energy, group work, ritual and lots of fun!

We will be making aura sprays and taking VIOLET FLOWER remedies made by Charlotte Pulver apothacary.

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ONLINE HEALING: Hathor & her magic mirror.

We will walk in Hathors temple, step into the mirror, access the frequencies of all love, seek hidden parts, receive psychic distant healing, and finish with a simple ritual.

Would you like to join me for this special Equinox group online healing on 20th March 2023 at 8 pm?

Astrologically, the equinox is at 9:24pm, which is perfectly aligned for our session.

I would love to see you - it's been a while! Please do share and help a girl out. If cash is tight, please message me, and we will work something out.

(Scroll down to the bottom for online circles)

#hathor #gathorstemple #egyptianhealing #egyptianraysofseichem #egyptianelementalrays #raysoflight #theelements #ritual #mirrormagic #protection #asabovesobelow

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FULL-MOON MARCH CIRCLE - (witch balls & Angels)

FULL-MOON MARCH CIRCLE - (witch balls & Angels)

Gathering just before the last full-moon of Winter, we will be working with our Angelic team to harness the powers of protection and create our own witch balls full of hope and wishes, for the upcoming spring tide.

Each circle revisits the same opening and closing rituals- this helps to amplify the arena, and strengthen confidence and install and ground in the energy.

We will be opening sacred space together, opening the compass, and grounding in.

The circle will include connecting with your own angelic team, prayers, making of witch balls, ritual magic and healing.

We will be working with the energies of the angelic light and a symbol associated with them.

I would love for you to be a part of this. You do not need to have been to a circle before, be an avid meditator, be part of any energy lineage, or a healer or a witch.

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Let's get together and create magic. Let's get together and collaborate, explore and strengthen our intuitive gifts.

Let's sit in circle together.

The ground is warming up and the light is returning. Imbolc signals the very first stirrings of spring, when the thaw of the harsh winter is humming with possibility, and dawning is upon us.

I often feel it is at this time we need the light more than any other. The dopamine hits of Christmas and new year feel further away, the bleakness of grey skies sits above our heads and we begin to look towards spring in longing.

Some may turn to the Rowan tree for much needed guidance for it is associated with Bridghid, Bridy, St Bridget: the Celtic Goddess of the fire and homestead. The Rowan is associated with astral travel, personal power (putting fire in the belly) and success. Rowan is protective, it can be used to provide psychic protection, carve into it, hang it and plant it.

Each circle revisits the same opening and closing rituals- this helps to amplify the arena, and strengthen confidence and install and ground in the energy.

We will be opening sacred space together, opening the compass, and grounding in.

The circle will include breath work, connecting with your own guardians of the elements, water blessing, ritual magic and healing.

We will be working with a couple of symbols too. One is helpful at clearing energy-The other is great at grounding and fortifying (pulling in the soul) before any energy work.

I would love for you to be a part of this. You do not need to have been to a circle before, be an avid meditator, be part of any energy lineage, or a healer or a witch.

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Monthly online group healing session to clear and restore

Join the monthly online group healing session whenever you feel called to receive or join them all. Each month we will come together to remove energy blocks, untie and unknit energy in the field and body as well as making necessary space so we can call in and fill voids with organic source light.

Each session will be vocally guided by me as I tune into the collective group, and guide you through what I am doing. This will comprise of story telling, spoken word, prayer, light language as well as water ways, wells and springs.

You can join with camera on or off, or even pay for the replay to appreciate at a tie that suits you.

All you need to do is get comfy and create a sacred space you wont be disturbed in.

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Let's get together and create magic. Let's get together and collaborate, explore and strengthen our intuitive gifts.

Let's sit in circle together.

A new year circle under the light of the full-moon. A night of connection, meditation, spell work and delving into psychometry.

There has definitely been a call to begin creating spaces for people to explore and strengthen their spiritual gifts. We all have them, and for some of us they are very present and for others they need nurturing. I have been teaching Reiki for a good few years now and what I have noticed is that people really want to feel like they are not alone in their spiritual journey- they wonder if they are the only ones who feel deeply, have visions or see colour. The truth is not one person is the same, we are all uniquely different and therefore offering a spectrum of wisdom.

As a teacher and a human on their own journey I thrive when I am in connection to other people, and circle’s are a perfect container to do that. A circle is a way of energy being in continuum, so when we sit or gather in this cycle or shape we begin to tap into an ancient sort of practice- which is in our bones.

This circle will be anchored in grounding techniques, a guided healing mediation, opportunity to explore psychic gifts and a spell ritual to harness the new years energy.

I would love for you to be a part of this. You do not need to have been to a circle before, be an avid meditator, be part of any energy lineage, or a healer or a witch.

Your presence is enough!!!

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A workshop exploring Mara and the Golden Cosmic Element of Earth.

On this full moon we will be exploring the element of the cosmic Earth, her associated symbol, how to invoke it and ways to use it for our personal healing and in session.

Essentially Earth is Reiki, and therefore exceptional at grounding us. We will be trying out grounding techniques, connecting with the Earth star and Archangel Sandalphon, the root chakra and Archangel Gabriel. As well as taking a journey to the subterranean inner Earth through the root structure of the cosmic yew.

I will be sending a workbook to you to read through prior to our workshop and a zoom link. This workshop is perfect for people exploring energy, or for people who use energy as part of their practice. Because we are working with a foundational element, it will be very good for people experiencing anxiety or associated emotional experiences.

Connecting with the Earth is essential to all healers and people as we continue to move up the ladder of life. The Earth is cosmic too and in deep need of compassion and love as well as all the living beings she holds.

It is worth noting that much of my teachings are a blend of : Tera-mai and Seichem, traditional witchcraft and Angelic Reiki. For those of you who came to the Sakara fire workshop circle, this is a perfect way to continue to connect with the Egyptian Rays of Seichem. Any questions please ask.

Helpful to have the physical element of Earth with you: soil, sand, crystal or stone- or all of them.

The exchange is £25 but if you feel unable to come due to cost please let me know and we can work out a part payment plan- alternatively consider donating more to cover another person.

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Candle magic is a powerful way of open roads, cut cords, channel intentions, heal and release energy. This group candle magic service will take place on the New moon in Sagittarius on 23rd November.

This is an opportunity to receive healing and assistance with moving forward.

Everyone will have a bespoke candle, blessed, dressed and charged by myself and placed in the magical container with cord cutting as the focus. I will work to cut cords, in tone prayer and use energy work.

Cord cutting can be useful for: toxic energy related to relationships with people, places, memories, behaviours and situations, patterns, programming, and blocks.

You can buy a candle for yourself or another person or both.

All I need to know is the name of the beneficiary, location, and brief description of intention of the service.

I will begin at 10am 23rd November and send a full report with photographs to everyone who joined.


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A journey with Isis; Goddess of love and magical healing.

This group circle will be about receiving deep heart medicine, healing our shadow side, and you will each receive an empowerment with Isis, Goddess of love and magical healing.

Isis is an Egyptian Archetype and is symbolic of the Divine Mother, she is a symbol of life and is associated with resurrection and rebirth. Her power is drawn from the heart, if you find yourself being drawn to the energies of Isis like I am, you are likely to have discovered that the most powerful force of the universe is love. You have likely also been an initiate or student of hers in a past life. She can help us acknowledge and heal our shadow side and arise with a lighter heart and a deeper love for ourselves and others.

The group circle will provide a container for healing, empowerments and opportunity for deep release. We will journey through spoken word, guided meditation, light language, prayer to connect embody the energies of Goddess Isis. We will invoke heart healing and perform a water and flame ritual.

Personal Investment : £25.00

Venue: Etchingham, East Sussex

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All Hallows tide (which means Holy Season) is made up of 3 days: All Hallows eve (Halloween) where the after life veil thins, a night of light. All hallows/Hallow Mass /Saints Day (Saint celebration & Martyrs) & All Souls Day (Samhain) Celtic festival, the Witches New Year.

This group circle is held on the cusp of Eve of Hallows tide and in that liminal space. Personally the veil begins to thin from the beginning of October and builds and tails off mid November.

It marks a period of time where we can celebrate the dead, honour our ancestors and contact the other world.
It is a time that feels deeply entwined with honouring The Witch Father & Witch Mother. The circle of life and death and our place within it.

I invite you to share the love you have for this time of year by participate in a ritual to connect and honour the departed and experience healing in circle.

Would you like to join me for an evening of magic, ritual and healing?

Within our sacred circle we shall invite our dearly departed and ancestors to sit with us. We will connect, honour and toast to them.

We shall journey as a collective to clear, abstract and transmute any low vibrations within us and the energies of the planet.

In this group healing I shall invite for you to participate and gather ingredients and tools necessary for the ritual as well as verbal collaboration.

Our time together will be an intimate one, with limited spaces, providing an atmosphere of potent magic at my home.

I am looking forward to seeing you!

An email detailing what to bring and location will be sent at booking.

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Monthly online group healing session to clear and restore

Join the monthly online group healing session whenever you feel called to receive or join them all. Each month we will come together to remove energy blocks, untie and unknit energy in the field and body as well as making necessary space so we can call in and fill voids with organic source light.

Each session will be vocally guided by me as I tune into the collective group, and guide you through what I am doing. This will comprise of story telling, spoken word, prayer, light language as well as water ways, wells and springs.

You can join with camera on or off, or even pay for the replay to appreciate at a tie that suits you.

All you need to do is get comfy and create a sacred space you wont be disturbed in.

October: 21st at 8pm GMT

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