“This is not your nanna's Reiki.
Dot is one of the most wonderful, powerful and heart-centered healers I have worked with. She always takes time to really listen to how you are feeling and to what's going on before she does any work on your energy. Dot always takes time to communicate what came through after a session and to hold space for any other sharing that needs to take place. As her practice is trauma informed and her heart is so big, I've always felt so safe and held in Dot's space.

The type of energy work she does is so potent and has really helped me to shift and clear and heal so much since I started working with her. I got the Tera-Mai Seichem bug and then went on to study with Dot also. Her teaching style is so inclusive, supportive and she always opens up space for students to share their own thoughts and experiences. Dot never tells you what you should or shouldn't do, she encourages intuitive exploration of the modalities and uses her skills, knowledge and talents to help activate healing abilities and confidence in others. I would not hestitate to recommend Dot to anyone who was considering a session or training to become a healer. Dot is the real deal and I'm so grateful to have connected with her in this lifetime!”

— Vix Maxwell
New Age Hipster

“I have been visiting Dot on a regular basis for some months now. Each time I leave her treatment, I feel amazing and any little niggles have been cleared. Each treatment feels completely different but every time there is an improvement.  She gives of herself completely and always takes the time and trouble to talk about general concerns and issues so that she can give the best possible service. I can thoroughly recommend her. ”

— Pennie Cullen

I was recently lucky enough to have a Tera Mai reiki treatment with Dot. Dot possesses the enviable gift of being both upbeat and hugely calming at the same time. Her energy is warm, safe and positive. My journey to wellness has taken me to flung out corners of the world in search of people just like Dot, who happened to be waiting for me when I came home. 

My treatment with Dot was hugely relaxing and emotionally enlightening. Before my treatment I felt a heaviness that often slowed me down. Now I feel much more free and able. Thank you for clearing the path Dot, you are a beautiful soul.

— Charlotte Pomme

If you want to create a deep and meaningful shift in your life, if you have some tough inner knots to undo or difficult karmic patterns to break, Dot is the woman you need to see. Held in her strong energy, the release felt effortless. A master in the making, this is truly a case of someone who's life purpose has been perfectly matched with the vehicle to deliver it. 

Dot knows how to lovingly express what your soul most needs to hear. She is unafraid to take a strong stand in the name of supporting you to meet your true potential and your soul's highest good. A true powerhouse healer, everyone should be so lucky as to have a Dot Winter in their contact book. 

— Lauryn Allman

I recently went for my first treatment with Dot, she opened the door with a beaming smile and easy manner, so I immediately felt relaxed and at ease.  Dot explained everything clearly to me, and during my treatment I could actually feel dense, stagnant energy being ‘ pulled’ from me, it was quite an extraordinary experience.  I immediately felt lighter, clearer, and felt a huge expansion in my heart. Dot is truly gifted and a beautiful soul. I would highly recommend Dot to anyone and will 100% be going back for more treatments. 

— Jackie Grayson

I always come away from my sessions with Dot feeling calmer, lighter, freer and peaceful. She lovingly shares insightful information and I love listening to her wise words. My time with Dot is equally magical online as it is in person. She’s a complete treasure to work with- thank you Dot.

— Anon

I came across Dot last year via her social media platforms, when I was looking to do more training in energy and spiritual healing. I  immediately knew from her presence and obvious skill that I wanted to train with her.  I booked on to do Level 1 Tera-mai™ & Seichem in November which we did over three weeks via Zoom. Doing the course in this way was great as I had time to read through and become familiar with all of the course content that Dot sent in advance, and I felt like I had 1:1 teaching from her in the comfort of my own home. The Level 1 is laid out in a clear and thorough format that moves through all information needed about grounding, space clearing and delivering full sessions for someone else.

A combination of screen sharing and seeing Dot practice different techniques on her massage couch, really helped with visual demonstrations of each element and we had a good amount of time for discussion and questions afterwards. The empowerments for each section were wonderfully powerful and I came away feeling like I had "leveled up" in my healing capacity. Once the training was finished, Dot was also great at supporting me via my own social media channels and her training facebook group which meant that I feel like I am part of a community open to sharing and supporting each other with their studies. I would highly recommend training with Dot as she is a wise, powerful and skilled teacher and healer and I am really looking forward to doing more training with her in the future. 

— Frances Hansom Level 1 Tera-mai & Seichem Practitioner

I first met Dot in November 2019 when I booked in for a Tera Mai healing session. I instantly felt good in her company and she made me feel it ease straight away. As I laid on her treatment couch, she worked around me; I had never experienced anything quite like it before. Such a profound, positive effect – a release of sadness that I had been storing for such a long time revealed itself in my tears, dense energy that my body had been carrying had lifted, old stories that I had been holding onto were shed and no longer dragging me down. Dot is an amazing space holder, you feel safe in her care – tender and sympathetic but very professional and powerful! Having experienced this, I felt drawn to learn this modality, and the level 1 course completely surpassed my expectations.

There was a good balance between theory and practical learning. The initiations and attunements that I received were powerful and will stay with me forever; my soul was awakened and my spiritual path was forged. What is important to bear in mind is the support that is provided not just during your course, the learning continues afterwards (when does it ever stop, really?) and Dot has always been there to answer any questions, update and provide support. Dot is very happy to be questioned – she, in fact, encourages it. In addition, it’s not a case of “well that’s what the book says or what I have told you, just accept it”. She isn’t just a teacher - she’s a mentor, friend and part of my soul family. I have since followed on to learn and work with Seichem energy and techniques with Dot, completing level 2 for both this and Tera Mai.

The manuals provided are the cornerstones of the theory and are comprehensive, I still refer to them for clarification when necessary. I consider myself very fortunate to have found Dot, so if you are reading this and deliberating as to whether to either have a treatment or attend one of her courses, my advice would be to go for it, she’s a wonderfully talented, kind soul who will share her knowledge with you and guide you beautifully.

— Liz Mickleburgh Level 1 & 2 Tera-mai & Seichem Practitioner


Bespoke Healing, Trainings and Initiations