Initiations are doorways that upgrade our energy and energetically guide us through boundaries onto our rightful path. I offer an array of initiations to assist in personal spiritual journeys. Initiation ceremonies are akin to alchemised rituals, charged up within a sacred space. Initiations are intentional blessings opening the physical and spiritual body to attunement.

This helps a person, to heal, open higher levels of consciousness, accelerate connection to spirit or as a rite of passage. To be initiated into a particular frequency or energy vibration is akin to a ceremonial anointment, with which one enters a new phase, apprenticeship or rebirth. Often an initiation activates a dormant gateway within us and navigates us on our spiritual/life path.


The violet flame is a unique spiritual energy that can accelerate spiritual development. It can heal emotional and physical problems, improve your relationships, or just make life easier. The flame is the essence of a unique spiritual light. The violet flame has the power to transmute the cause, effect, and memory of our past mistakes. It brings balance and helps to clear karma, by flushing our bodies and the aura field. It helps to cleanse viruses, toxins, and pollution, as well as changing ones vibration.

Personal Investment £130.00


The 13th Rites of the Munay -Ki descend from a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. This lineage of women wants us to remember;
“The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life.”

The 13th Rite is a womb blessing and initation which clears energetic obstacles and emotional energy out of the womb space and assists in reclaiming yourself as the creator of your life.

Personal Investment £130.00



Melchizedeck is a sixth dimensional and collective consciousness that serves as a caretaker of the initiate realms and teachings for beings in this solar system. Priest and Priestesses of the order of Melchizedeck were known to have run mystery school in Atlantis and Ancient Egypt. The initiation into this order connects one to the divine plan for Earth and to the Ancient ones. It allows healing energy to run smoother through the healer, in part because this initiation effects the nerves directly. It helps to ground healing energy and give a foundation for all the work the healer does.

Each initiation includes a ceremonial clearing where I will combine my abstraction and alignment clearing techniques before upgrading or initiating the individual. These initiations last approx 90mins and a pdf with information to deepen your knowledge of the experience.

Personal Investment is £130



YOD means God in Hebrew. It is the symbol of initiation. However, if someone is properly attuned to YOD, that individual can connect to this symbol is a very meaningful way.

The colours that come in with this connection are silver and purple. It serves to further open the heart to love and compassion as with a loving and open-heart prosperity must follow. YOD is a personal invitation to awaken the qualities inherent in the human soul. 

Each initiation includes a ceremonial clearing where I will combine my abstraction and alignment clearing techniques before upgrading or initiating the individual. These initiations last approx 90mins and a pdf with information to deepen your knowledge of the experience.

Personal Investment is £130




The Egyptian Cartouche is set of 25 divination cards created by Murry Hope and written about in her book, "The Way of Cartouche" back in 1983. Kathleen Milner created an initiation procedure for the cards. (which remains the same as it is passed down from Master to Student). 

The initiations connect the Archetype to your soul, soul star & heart. It broadens and deepens the strength of communication between yourself and the energies. The energies can then be used for healing, divination, meditation, or personal spiritual growth.

The initiation ceremony begins with the Cartouche YOD, which is an initiation to connect us to the rainbow bridge and strengthen our will/desire of service on this planet. Then we work through the energies of Osiris, Isis, Horus, Bast etc.- but we omit Set- for he represents chaos.

This initiation ceremony lasts approx 120 -180 minutes and includes a comprehensive pdf which includes information in each diviation card and initiation. The cards are to be bought by the participant and can be sourced via ebay.

Personal Investment £500



“You can call upon me at any time, for I simultaneously serve a multitude of Hearts on Earth. My omnipresent awareness allows everyone to access my unconditional divine love and guidance at any one time.” Mother Mary

The Aquarian age is the age of the Mother and the Holy Spirit. It is the age when we are meant to experience and express the Mother aspect of God. Coming to understand this feminine aspect of God can liberate the creative feminine energy within us, both man and woman—the energy of beauty and creativity, intuition and inspiration. This initiation will reawaken and reconnect you with Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael and the 5th Ray of truth.

This initiation workshop is open to all Advanced level 1 and 2 Tera-mai and Seichem practitioners. This course includes a pdf booklet which contains new techniques to use in healings, connecting to Mary, initiation and how to use two symbols specifically for Mother Mary healing. 

Personal Investment £200


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