The descent back into the body is like a chemical fusion. I think in many ways it is the most spiritually palatable sensation I've ever encountered.
I have worked with energy for a long time and had many experiences that were other worldly. However this is like entering my world and back to me on my terms.
The thing is if you have spent most of your life dissasociated you might not even know you are. The smallest of sensations of present awareness can orchestrate emotional resonance and feel overwhelming.
How do we tred back into a place we left long ago?
I think partly this is where we must learn the psychological impact of trauma and become aware of how we-on an individual basis- have worked to survive deep painful experiences and therefore continually look out for them.
This indeed tells a tale of how energy healing can be harmful. Often the emphasis is to 'bliss out' and leave the body. Chasing lights, and the dream state euphoria. Does this continue to encourage distance from the physical self? On one hand dissociation is needed, sometimes it is needed as rest bite. But how does this effect the body afterwards? Does it perpetuate a cycle of escape?
What I am discoving through my own exploration is my body has not been safe. My trigger is to fight but the fight has often been frozen. When I have been unable to conclude this stress response I collapse and try to disappear. More baths, more social media.
A great way for me to check in on where I am at is to see if I can feel the front and back of my body, how big or small do my legs or feet feel and where I am breathing from.
Often our brain skips over parts of the body that have experienced trauma or are holding emotional energy. For the longest time I had erased any sense of my reproductive organs. In fact I would say I avoided landing into my body because I was ashamed of it.
The felt sense has the power to bring us back to the body. We all have a body yet for many of us it is not present at all.
As I work through my TRE provider course these are the insightful and life changing deep thoughts and experiences that this therapy provided for me.