Affirmations for trauma survivers
Soft self love talk for trauma survivers:
• What happened does not define me.
• What happened was not my fault.
• I deserve to take up space.
• It's ok to be the way I am right now.
• It is understandable that I felt the way I felt.
• It is understandable that I did the things I did to cope.
• It is understandable that I didn't know how to do better.
• My unhealthy habits are just survival mechanisms that I hold onto to protect myself.
• My brain is just telling me that danger is imminent so I prepare accordingly.
• I am slowly building new, healthy habits because I am not in danger anymore.
• I don’t need permission to exist.
• My dysfunctions are not a measurement of my true ability.
• I have the right to acknowledge my feelings without having to justify them.
• I am not a mistake; I am not fundamentally flawed.
• I am allowed to celebrate the fact that I survived.
• Change is the only constant.
• Feeling bad doesn't make me a bad person. All my emotions are valid.
• I am allowed to be afraid and avoid what frightens me.
• I am allowed to do things that make me feel better. I am allowed to heal.
• I am not afraid to be myself. It is safe to be me.
• I am worth taking care of.
• I am a survivor. My body is a survivor.
• I am not afraid to fail. Failure isn't permanent.
• My story matters.
• I don't need permission for how I live my life.
• I am not a quitter or an embarrassment.
• I don't have to be perfect/perform at the same level every time.
• I have nothing to feel guilty or ashamed about. None of what happened to me was ever my fault. I did not deserve to be treated badly.
• I deserve to heal and feel better.
• I am a good person.
• I am courageous, I am whole, I stand in my power.
• I have a right to be heard and taken seriously.
• There is no growth without change, no change without fear or loss, and no loss without pain.
• I own my story.
#selftalk #selflove #afgirmations #traumarecovery #selfempowerment #softtalk #softness #gentlewords #strength #warrior #riseup #healing #courageoushearts #mending #safety